Sound•Bridge along with its affiliate brands HIVE LED and LoCuS Lighting Systems is proud to be the technology provider of choice in all Campuses for The Potters House.
(Dallas Main Campus) SOUND BRIDGE’s acclaimed XYON Line Array system is deployed in the following manner providing unparalleled sound quality with uniform coverage throughout the massive sanctuary. XYON 7222XY Line Array Loudspeakers (8 Per Side) make up the left right hangs. For delays at 170ft are 4-7208XY per side. Out Fills are 5-7108XY’s per side. XYON 7218SWX-F Subwoofers (4 Per Side) provide LF Delivery for the entire house along with support from the new 6218SWX Big Mouth Ultra Long Ported sub (2 Total in Ground support). The Potter’s House audio system fills the acoustic space perfectly without obstructing the audience’s view of the stage. Amplification is a mix of Lab Gruppen PLM20K’s (4 Total) and Powersoft K6. (3 Total) Delays and Out Fills are driven by HIVE Superblack 4 Channel amplification (4 Total) controlled by Dolby LM26 Processing. Consoles are 3- Avid D-Show Full Size Desks.
HIVE LED Video UltraLite p6.25 indoor panels make up an ever-changing and visual stunning video set. Over 160 Square Meters in Total, The Back Wall is configured using 1x4 meter strips mounted on a trolley and I-Beam system allowing the it to be easily reconfigured. LED Life span is over 50,000 Hours and features black body high-contrast LED Modules.
LoCuS Lighting (in excess of 100 Fixtures) provides the entire light package featuring 1500 Watt wash, Beam and Spot fixtures as well as 5R Night Eye Ultra Beams and 3710 Night Eye LED Wash. Console is a Grand MA2.
With a complete offering of SOUND BRIDGE Audio, HIVE LED Video, and LoCuS Lighting Fixtures, The Potter’s House has the tools and technology to consistently create the highest quality productions connecting the Sermon, Praise and Worship and over all experience with the congregation.